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จำนวนครั้งเข้ามาจาก search engine : : 996 ครั้ง (0.01% ของผลการค้นภาพรวม) |
Year-Month-Day | IP | Session | Pageview |
2024-8 | 416,782 | 918,974 | 1,155,517 |
2024-7 | 404,669 | 870,450 | 1,073,057 |
2024-6 | 452,021 | 1,067,316 | 1,293,922 |
2024-5 | 473,783 | 1,129,570 | 1,391,857 |
2024-4 | 500,174 | 1,252,124 | 1,524,511 |
2024-3 | 501,912 | 1,242,686 | 1,514,080 |
2024-2 | 434,283 | 957,184 | 1,202,830 |
2024-1 | 367,260 | 713,776 | 877,533 |
2023-12 | 410,516 | 844,440 | 1,055,375 |
2023-11 | 420,126 | 860,832 | 1,076,890 |
2023-10 | 609,220 | 1,638,086 | 2,126,318 |
2023-9 | 702,664 | 2,215,418 | 2,930,389 |
2023-8 | 711,987 | 2,381,417 | 3,107,887 |
2023-7 | 787,932 | 2,994,361 | 3,994,075 |
2023-6 | 734,084 | 2,427,984 | 3,194,649 |
2023-5 | 692,261 | 2,148,117 | 2,845,201 |
2023-4 | 630,989 | 1,870,031 | 2,425,725 |
2023-3 | 828,652 | 3,668,428 | 5,119,045 |
2023-2 | 881,990 | 4,273,384 | 6,097,174 |
2023-1 | 828,992 | 3,408,656 | 4,878,178 |
2022-12 | 822,497 | 3,345,904 | 5,029,688 |
2022-11 | 921,148 | 4,234,848 | 6,242,011 |
2022-10 | 1,027,909 | 5,513,599 | 8,013,560 |
2022-9 | 984,354 | 4,813,436 | 6,834,321 |
2022-8 | 830,970 | 3,239,497 | 4,363,180 |
2022-7 | 756,002 | 2,760,045 | 3,805,036 |
2022-6 | 709,402 | 2,385,189 | 3,172,299 |
2022-5 | 784,310 | 3,113,758 | 4,063,280 |
2022-4 | 694,143 | 2,397,127 | 2,993,998 |
2022-3 | 634,417 | 2,194,849 | 2,811,229 |