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จำนวนครั้งเข้ามาจาก search engine : : 3,045 ครั้ง (0.03% ของผลการค้นภาพรวม) |
Year-Month-Day | IP | Session | Pageview |
2024-8 | 77,265 | 99,015 | 123,747 |
2024-7 | 57,397 | 74,630 | 98,239 |
2024-6 | 49,988 | 64,166 | 83,778 |
2024-5 | 52,707 | 67,312 | 86,430 |
2024-4 | 61,316 | 77,834 | 97,969 |
2024-3 | 63,310 | 82,164 | 106,885 |
2024-2 | 73,926 | 94,771 | 120,556 |
2024-1 | 73,517 | 95,294 | 120,878 |
2023-12 | 73,729 | 94,118 | 117,169 |
2023-11 | 91,225 | 119,275 | 146,756 |
2023-10 | 130,697 | 174,902 | 222,377 |
2023-9 | 131,982 | 176,441 | 217,665 |