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จำนวนครั้งเข้ามาจาก search engine : : 20,734 ครั้ง (0.19% ของผลการค้นภาพรวม) |
Year-Month-Day | IP | Session | Pageview |
2024-8 | 370,377 | 671,408 | 1,172,220 |
2024-7 | 352,737 | 632,186 | 1,128,681 |
2024-6 | 374,146 | 688,731 | 1,221,860 |
2024-5 | 420,367 | 801,398 | 1,397,142 |
2024-4 | 449,779 | 889,958 | 1,540,075 |
2024-3 | 499,159 | 1,045,523 | 1,844,371 |
2024-2 | 536,796 | 1,196,451 | 2,034,789 |
2024-1 | 533,063 | 1,167,171 | 2,194,845 |
2023-12 | 512,248 | 1,102,108 | 2,071,392 |
2023-11 | 532,664 | 1,210,648 | 2,186,096 |
2023-10 | 578,047 | 1,501,919 | 2,417,697 |
2023-9 | 590,700 | 1,402,638 | 2,371,055 |