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จำนวนครั้งเข้ามาจาก search engine : : 152,057 ครั้ง (1.69% ของผลการค้นภาพรวม) |
Year-Month-Day | IP | Session | Pageview |
2024-12 | 608,392 | 5,384,292 | 31,256,342 |
2024-11 | 617,537 | 5,503,112 | 33,074,131 |
2024-10 | 643,861 | 6,031,640 | 36,077,639 |
2024-9 | 650,949 | 6,125,915 | 36,622,229 |
2024-8 | 674,904 | 6,498,001 | 38,145,161 |
2024-7 | 676,749 | 6,506,303 | 38,953,812 |
2024-6 | 651,641 | 6,064,832 | 36,883,718 |
2024-5 | 649,773 | 5,784,569 | 35,998,652 |
2024-4 | 621,347 | 5,173,476 | 31,840,869 |
2024-3 | 645,164 | 5,793,673 | 35,180,754 |
2024-2 | 629,072 | 5,376,688 | 31,809,103 |
2024-1 | 652,500 | 5,812,584 | 34,980,769 |